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Website Support

A website going live is just the beginning of the partnership and relationship with our customers. As a living, breathing entity, a website needs continued care and attention. That's why we fully support every website that we build in our Web Wizard software so you can spend your time looking after your business and not worrying about your website.

All of our websites are hosted on secure, dedicated servers with our in-house network managers ensuring the highest level of performance and service for your website and business.

All customers benefit from an out of hours, 24 hour a day, 7 days a week emergency support number. So if you spot an error on your website that prevents a sale, or the website is unavailable – simply call the number 0843 289 6356 (calls charged at local rate) and our development team will investigate the issue.

Support doesn't end with the 'what-ifs' though. We provide continued communication and customer care with periodical calls, review meetings and monthly newsletters ensuring that you're kept abreast of all the latest developments here, on the web and perhaps more pertinantly, on Google.

With Wida Group, we really do believe in giving you the advantage, online.