Why Invest in a Web Design Agency?
1 November 2019
In a world where you can build your very own website through service providers like Wix or GoDaddy, do you really need the overhead costs that come with hiring a Web Design Agency?
We believe so… And it’s not just because we’re biased. Investing in the right design talent can give your website the head start it needs and generate significant returns on this upfront investment. Here’s why…
You want your brand to shine
In an increasingly competitive online market, you need to make sure that your website not only looks professional but offers a smooth and pleasant User Experience (UX). This can be hard to accomplish on your own especially if you have no design experience. Ready-made websites may allow you to get up and running… But are they really the right look for your emerging brand?
Web users are savvy
The likes of Wix and GoDaddy usually offer managed WordPress solutions. And while these are fine for amateur bloggers and the like, their pre-designed and customisable themes scream “amateur” to savvy web users. And can you really expect them to trust an amateur with their money (or card data)?
They know your target audience and how to connect with them
Without extensive market research, it can be hard to know exactly what qualities your target audience is looking for and even harder to translate these elements into your web design and development. An agency, on the other hand, will have years of experience working with small businesses just like yours. They’ll help you to identify the right target market, identify their needs and help you to design a website that's eminently appealing to them!
With over 20 years’ experience in helping businesses get online we know how to make it so you can achieve this with your website.