The Importance of Link Building for SEO in 2020
27 August 2020
Link building is a crucial part of your SEO strategy. If you focus on optimising your link building and client’s backlink profile, you can improve your ranking on the search engine results pages. Link building is essentially creating backlinks to your website from external locations. It can also be used in your content marketing.
Why is link building important for SEO in 2020?
Link building is important for search engine optimisation in 2020. Your position in the search engine results pages (SERPs) depends on how your website is ranked by Google’s PageRank algorithm. This looks for ways pages link together and the quality of backlinks.
The quality and relevance of your backlinks are more important than the number. This prevents certain websites from using spammy link building as a way to rank higher in the SERPs. With the correct use of link building, you’ll be able to boost your SEO and get your site to the top spots.
How to use link building for search engine optimisation
There are several types of link-building strategies that can improve your search engine optimisation. Here are a few examples.
On-page links
Internal links on your website are just as important as external backlinks. These help to indicate to the SERPs the structure and authenticity of your website. For example, your homepage should be reachable from the other main pages of your site in minimal clicks. There are several ways in which you can improve your internal links.
When you create content, blog posts, landing pages, or otherwise, add a call to action at the end. Ensure it links to a relevant page, such as where to buy your product. You should also include plenty of links to lead back to the pages you want to rank well. This will show their importance to the SERPs.
Editorially-placed links
These are links that someone else has chosen to share. They have a considerable amount of weight. Editorially-placed links need to be legitimate. Don’t offer money or goods in an exchange for a backlink.
Quality links
Google will assess the quality of traffic that links are bringing to your website. Local SEO is important here. You could benefit from building links in local directories to your location. The key is drawing relevant customers to your website. You want attention from niche users in your target market.
Follow/no-follow links
Follow links count as points, pushing SEO and boosting the ranking of linked-to sites. No-follow links were created to stop spam links from improving a site’s ranking. If you want Google to pass link equity, use a follow link, if not use a no-follow link. The no-follow link tag basically tells the SERPs to ignore the link. They will still however create referral traffic to your website.
Link building is a way to establish your brand as an authority in your niche. It’s an important tactic in your search engine optimisation. To outrank the rest of the sites, you need to optimise your link building for SEO in 2020.